Séverine Markovic

  • Company: Deloitte
  • Position: Manager
  • Remit/main activity: Auditor
  • Highest educational qualification: Licensed Audit Expert
  • Place of work: Basel
  • No. of employees at place of work: 120



What makes my work exciting?
Meet and work with different people and cultures around the world and understand the different needs of each client during their ups and downs

Why did I enter the profession?
The education of an auditor is one of the most intensive and best in the world. Nowhere else can you get such great insight into different companies in such a short time. I could never imagine having a job in which I do more or less the same procedures every day. I also knew that as an auditor, you have a lot of opportunities once you’ve completed the training because, after four years, your knowledge is enormous and is also greatly valued on the market.

What challenges does my work present?
As an auditor, I work in an environment that is constantly changing as a result of new regulations, artificial intelligence, economic changes and many other trends. Therefore, an auditor must be able to adapt constantly to a changing environment. It is crucial that someone who wants to choose this profession is prepared to learn every day and is aware that this process will continue in the future due to the constantly changing work environment.

How does my work benefit the economy?
Our work undoubtedly strengthens confidence in audited financial statements and provides greater transparency for the public and all other readers of financial statements. Audited accounts also make the economies of different countries more comparable and thus the data of the national economies more reliable. It is, therefore, a very important task with very relevant benefits.

What is important to me in my client relationships?
Supporting my clients during their ups and downs, being professional and sharing my expertise with them. All this serves to ensure quality work. Furthermore, communication with my clients is essential for me. I always appreciate a personal meeting as it makes our work easier and strengthens our relationship. Knowing the person behind the data is key and at least as important as knowing the industry & environment.

What is currently important for my clients in our cooperation (keyword: coronavirus)?
Our clients are currently facing many challenges due to the COVID-19 situation. It is therefore important to stay in close contact with them and to exchange information dynamically. A certain slow-down has to be accepted, as various processes have to be revised. It is very interesting to see that every customer has different problems and that we also have to consider how to proceed in these circumstances. In such a crisis good, honest and transparent relations are more important than ever, because only they enable us to overcome the crisis together as a team.

How has the industry changed? What are the challenges of the future?
Data analytics is currently changing our work on an almost daily basis. We are using and implementing data analytics to perform better, faster and higher-quality audits. Looking back, we have increased the number of tools to perform analytical procedures significantly, which makes the work more insightful but on the other hand, more challenging for us.

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