Transparency, certainty and reliable information are essential for building trust among business actors as well as social and political stakeholders. This trust is an important prerequisite for the functioning of the economy and the common good.
By auditing, investigating and verifying information, processes and diverse business issues, we generate added value for companies, public authorities and society as a whole, acting in the public interest.
We create a robust basis of trust for private companies and the public sector – for investors, lenders, customers and clients, tax authorities, social insurers, social stakeholders and many others.
For the benefit of society, we work to build trust in companies, economic systems and regulatory authorities. This foundation ensures that markets can grow, investments are made and the economy as a whole is able to prosper, resulting in an important contribution to the common good.
Our core business is the validation, testing and certification of business information and information flows. In terms of auditing in the narrower sense, we also fulfil a public mandate by carrying out statutory audits in our capacity as statutory auditors. We do this with the aim of providing external third parties with access to financial information and certainty about such information. As statutory auditors, we also perform other tasks: for instance, we examine proposals for the appropriation of profit from the board of directors to the general meeting of shareholders as well as the interim financial statements of companies experiencing difficulties. The latter is done with the aim of assessing petitions for bankruptcy. Therefore, as statutory auditors, we also make an important contribution to creditor protection.
Because the results of our work are in many cases publicly available, we ensure that all stakeholders concerned are provided with a balance of information. Thanks to our independence and the strictest quality requirements, our reports have the quality of “seals of approval” in terms of compliance with standards, relevant laws and other principles. This creates trust between companies, market players, the public sector and society. As a result, industries, capital markets and the common good are able to prosper. Our work is therefore in the public interest.